Your Week of Workouts (040824)


Whether you would like to jump into a class or plan out your 1on1 Training Program with your coach, the first step is to schedule your Free Intro to Black Wolf through the button below!


Monday 040824 


Gate Run,

And then 3x 

8 Eye Level Swings

+ 4 OH Kb Swings 

12 Plate Pull Overs 

16 Alternating Stepback Lunges 

12 Lemon Squeezers 

Strength: E3:30 x3 

18 Wall Balls (20#/14#)

3 - 2 - 1 Back Rack Step-back Lunges 

The Fun: For Time (10:00 co) 

10 to 1 

Heavy Overhead KB Swings (70#/53#)

Toes to Bar 

Tuesday 040924

WU: 2x (10:00) 

10/6 Cal Bike 

1 Wall Climb 

15 Eye Level Kb Swing 

3 Inch Worms 

Midline: 6x E1:15 

:10 Elbow Plank Hold with 10 Light Weight Dumbbell Pull Thru to Extension 

Alternate Sides 

The Fun: For Time (30:00 Cap) 

14 - 12 - 10 Unbroken Power Clean & Jerks (95#/65#)

6 Handstand Push Ups (2 Attempts then Move On) 

14/10 Cal Bike 

Rest 1:00 or You Go I Go

— 2:00  Rest — 

10 - 8 - 6 Unbroken Power Clean & Jerks (115#/75#)

4 Handstand Push Ups 

10/6 Cal Bike 

Rest 1:00 or You Go I Go 

— 2:00 Rest — 

6 - 4 - 2 Power Clean & Jerk (135#/85#)

2 Handstand Push Ups 

6/4 Cal Bike 

Rest 1:00 or You Go I Go 

Simple Wednesday 041024


100 Single Unders 

And then, 3x

12 Alternating DB Snatch 

12 Double Unders or 3 Attempts 

12 Crossbody Toe Touch 

6/4 Chin Ups 

The Fun: 4 Rounds (< 24:00) 

:45 On/:15 Transition 

1) Pull Ups or Jumping w/ Kip Swing

2) Alt DB Snatch (50#/35#)

3) 3 Point Planks (Shoulders Knees & Toes)

4) Double Under Wonder (No single unders. Just try. I promise you can start getting them!)

Rest 1:00 Between Rounds (or however long it takes to record scores)

Score is total number of reps achieved across the Round

Finish: 3-5x 

12 Incline DB Bench Press

+ 20/14 UB Push Ups*

*The goal is to stay moving through the set. Start at the highest level achievable (strict plank) and transition as you near failure at each state (to snaking, to knee, to knee snaking). 

Thursday 041124

The Fun: Power Bottoms 

25:00 Steady Eddie 

10 Barbell Hip Thrusts (HAP)

Walking Kb Deadlift Down 

20/12 Russian Twists (45#)

Walking Kb Deadlift Back or Farmers Carry 

Alleyway Run 

Friday 041224

WU: 3x 

Gate Run 

20 Shoulder Taps 

10 Jumping Squats 

5 Strict Pull Ups 

Strength: E3M 

20 Banded Face Pulls 

+ 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3

Strict Press 

The Fun: 12:00 AMRAP 

You Go I Go or Rest 1:00 

1 Wall Climbs

Burpee Broad Jumps Down* (or 4 Burpee Hops if Not Great at the Jump) 

20 Gorilla Rows (35#/26#) 

Bear Crawl Back 

*Start line is front row of rig uprights. Hands go down towards feet, not a body’s length forward. Final jump must land on or passed the designated line between mats. 

Saturday 041324

Classes meet at 8am & 9:30am with Ricardo 

The Fun: For Time

5 Bear Complex (135#/85#)

Gate Run

4 Bear Complex 

Alleyway run

3 Bear Complex 

400m Run

2 Bear Complex 

600m Run

1 Bear Complex 

Bear Complex is 

Power Clean 

+ Front Squat

+ Push Press (Not a Jerk)

+ Back Squat 

+ Push Press (Not a Jerk) 

MUST SEPARATE MOVEMENTS. NO BARBELL FLOW (I.e. no Thrusters or Squat Cleans). Make each part of the rep perfect. Increase the time under tension. Get Stronger. Get Leaner. 


Your Week of Workouts (041524)


Your Week of Workouts (040124)